Jun 22Liked by Annie Zaleski

Fantastic article, putting words to the feelings I’ve had since finding them in 1983.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Annie Zaleski

Thank you for writing this! While I always accepted their breaking up, it never felt right. They had released Accelerate and Collapse Into Now and seemed so invigorated and having fun, from the outside looking in. Then one day, boom...gone. Until last Thursday I've had this longing for them to get back together just once more and now I DO feel some closure. Thank you R.E.M. for the songs, the memories, and the wisdom. Thank you Annie for putting these same thoughts and feelings out there to validate those of us who feel the same way!

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Jun 15Liked by Annie Zaleski

You are Superfan

And you know what’s happening!

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Beautiful piece, Annie.

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Thank you for this beautiful piece. I’m so glad I read it this morning.

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Jun 19Liked by Annie Zaleski

Thank you for this. For one short week, I feel like I did in the 90s, going from one concert to another, waiting for announcements on albums and tours. R.E.M. will never leave my memory.

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Jun 19Liked by Annie Zaleski

Beautiful writing. Really emotional

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Jun 17Liked by Annie Zaleski


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Jun 16Liked by Annie Zaleski

That CBS interview is so good - definitely recommend watching the extended interview, too! Thank you for sharing it & for your personal storytelling. It's incredible how many of the Athens artists that I have gravitated to & still hold as some of my faves.

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This encapsulates everything I feel about this band and its impact on me, including seeing them reunite one last time. Thank you for this lovely write-up.

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Jun 14Liked by Annie Zaleski

This is wonderful. I wish I could write about music this well.

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